The thing, then, in all education is to make the nervous system your ally and not your enemy.
William James

2015 – ThinkAlexander has moved from Abbotsford to Rosanna. Read more……

Hello everyone,   I’d like to welcome you to Rosanna and my new studio dedicated to the teaching of the Alexander Technique.

Only a short walk from Lower Plenty Road and Latrobe University I am hoping that this move will make the technique more available to those who live in the outer northeast suburbs of Melbourne.

I have recently undertaken some further studies in Pain Management and will continue this in 2015. Not surprisingly I have already found many ways to use this new knowledge to enhance my work with people who find themselves in persistent pain.  The Alexander Technique is a fantastic tool for use in chronic and persisting pain situations.  Introductory lessons and course are available for those who would like to learn more about how they can help themselves to better health.

All the best and hope to see you in 2015.


The Alexander technique is taught worldwide and there are many informative resources available.
You may find something of interest to you in my Blog. Here I share some commentaries and opinions on the Alexander technique and related topics.

Contact Us

Think Alexander
Rosanna VIC
Tel: 0421 643 226

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