Only what you have experienced yourself can be called knowledge the rest is information.
Albert Einstein

Lessons and costs

The process of learning the Alexander Technique begins by making a decision to find real solutions to your problems.

Discounts are available for students who choose to take a course of lessons.  A course of 10 lessons will give you a clear picture of how your habits may be affecting you.

A course of 24 lessons has been scientifically shown to give long-term relief from low back pain. The Technique can be beneficial in many other chronic pain situations.

Think Alexander offers a number of options for courses at reasonable costs.

The Alexander technique is taught worldwide and there are many informative resources available.
You may find something of interest to you in my Blog. Here I share some commentaries and opinions on the Alexander technique and related topics.

Contact Us

Think Alexander
Rosanna VIC
Tel: 0421 643 226

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