Only what you have experienced yourself can be called knowledge the rest is information.
Albert Einstein

What happens in a lesson?

P1180241Alexander Technique lessons are person-centred and students are individually assessed to determine their needs.

The student and teacher work together to achieve the student’s goals, whether they involve reducing pain, improving the singing voice, or gaining greater ease in walking and running.

The teacher uses gentle guidance with the hands and verbal direction to assist the student in becoming more aware of how habitual muscle tension and mental attitudes may be restricting their movement and breathing.

Lessons are generally tailored. For example, if a student wants to improve their skills in playing a musical instrument, they can bring their instrument to the lesson.

Having a task or problem that is relevant to you is a great way to begin to learn the Alexander Technique.


The Alexander technique is taught worldwide and there are many informative resources available.
You may find something of interest to you in my Blog. Here I share some commentaries and opinions on the Alexander technique and related topics.

Contact Us

Think Alexander
Rosanna VIC
Tel: 0421 643 226

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